28 March 2010

RT4779 turns red (1969 to 1978)

RT4779 was repainted red in 1969, thus escaping being ejected from London Transport when the country buses became part of the National Bus Company in 1970.

It is seen in Peter Plummer's photo at the Dulwich terminus of the 176A, in September 1976 when based at Walworth Garage.


27 March 2010

RT4779 makes an appearance (1954 to 1969)

Welcome to the story of RT4779 (OLD566), a late example of London Transport's standard double-deck bus of the 1950s.

In this shot, taken in the late 1960s, the bus is still green and is seen inside Leatherhead Garage, from where it worked between 1963 and 1969. Photo Michael Wickham collection.
